235 Greenfield Road
South Deerfield, MA 01373
ph: 413-665-1555
Helen Carcio, the director of the Health & Continece Institue, has published many articles relevant to bladder/pelvcic health. The training seminars are very intensive. It is suggested that you read the following prior to attending the training seminars.
Understanding Urodynamics: This important articles outlines the steps in performing urodynamic testing. It defines terms used and clarifies diagnostic parameters. It also reviews how to perform the simple CMG shown below.
Mixed Signals:Compares Stress and Urge Incontinence and outlines their management.
Prolpase: Avoiding surgery: This article outlines the conservative approach to the management of prolpase and its sequelae. It includes pelvic floor rehabilitation, and vaginal devices. It compares and contrasts pessaries, the Colpexin and vaginal weights.
A New Model for Continence Care
Explore the exciting world of the "Intrapreneur" in bladder health
October 2010
2010 publication of Helen Carcio's Advanced Health Assessment of Women. See Promotional brochure
The Establishment and Management of a Bladder Health Center THis comprehenisive article outlines the steps necessary to market, establish, and manage a conservative bladder health program or center. Target populations are identified with strategie relevant to each described. Components of a business plan are reviewed.
The Vaginal Pessary: An effective Yet Underused Tool for Incontinence and Prolpase. This article reviews the step necessary to properly fit a pessary. The various pessaries are described in relation to function.
Vaginal Atrophy:Describes how to diagnose vaginal atrophy using the maturation index. Characteristics of the different type of vaginal epithelium are described. Treatments options are reviewed
NP Entrepreneur of the Year: Outside the Box
Helen received the award for Nurse Practitioner of the Year from Advance for Nurse Practitioners in January 2009. Here is the article
Copyright 2010 HEALTH & CONTINENCE INSTITUTE. All rights reserved.
235 Greenfield Road
South Deerfield, MA 01373
ph: 413-665-1555